25 days agoOne man was found dead, another injured after a shooting in southeast Houston was initially reported by the owner of a taco truck
25 days agoAustin firefighters on scene of a fire involving multiple dumpsters with fire extension unit the trash chute of an apartment building. Fire is now out, crews searching for additional fire and hazards
25 days agoHEAVY POLICE PRESENCE: Constable Deputies are responding to a Disturbance at MOSSY FIELD LN/PARKSIDE SPRINGS DR.
25 days agoSan Antonio woman died after a drive-by shooting on Saturday morning, alongside one suspect
25 days agoParker County man killed in Azle crash
25 days agoUn portavoz del ICE confirmó que hoy comenzaron "operaciones específicas reforzadas" en el norte de Texas. Según el portavoz, 84 personas fueron arrestadas en Dallas, Irving, Arlington, Fort Worth, Garland y el condado de Collin.
a month ago1 dead, 8 injured in Amarillo night-club shooting
a month ago7 hospitalized for possible carbon monoxide poisoning after vehicle left running in house’s garage, SAPD says
a month agoTwo men dead after wrong-way crash on West Side highway, police say
a month agoAustin Fire Department is responding to a possible structure fire at 9800 N Lamar Blvd. Caller is reported “smoke coming from a large white building.
a month agoSheriff Ed Gonzalez said a son shot his father before leading deputies on a chase last night
a month agoKilleen police investigate fatal shooting on Dustin Court
a month agoAccident with Entrapment (Azle) Engine 52, Medic 52 and Azle PD are working a major accident on Highway 199 near Stewart Street. At least two vehicles involved. FD is reporting one person deceased at the scene. Lanes will be closed in this area.
a month agoGalveston police say a 34-year-old driver was arrested and charged for a head-on crash that killed one person and injured four others on Monday
a month agoThe son has been detained after a leading the police in a pursuit. investigators continue to gather information from the initial scene and hospital investigations. Charges are yet to be determined. Father is said to be in critical condition. @HCSOTexas deputies responded to the 10200 blk of Heather Hill Drive. Upon arrival, deputies found an adult male with gunshot wounds. The male was allegedly shot by his son, who fled the scene. The wounded man was transported to a hospital, unknown condition
a month agoAustin Fire Department is responding to a Vehicle Rescue Alarm at Cameron Rd & E Anderson Ln Svrd WB.
a month agoAustin Fire Department is responding to a possible structure fire at 2218 Corta St. Reports from caller “Smoke coming from a bathroom window of an apartment
a month agoA Dallas police officer was arrested early Saturday for public intoxication
a month agoElderly man dies in Smith County house fire under investigation :
a month agoRobbery/Shooting (Dallas) Dallas PD is working a reported robbery and shooting at the CVS in downtown Dallas, 1411 Main Street. Suspect(s) fled the scene. Expect heavy police activity in this area
a month agoConstable Deputies have a Suspect in custody for Warrants at CABOT LODGE LN/EGRET WOOD WAY
a month agoVictim identified in alleged fatal road rage shooting.
a month agoPolice said the shooting happened in the 9000 block of Cantera Ridge Road
a month agoThe man in his 50s was taken to the hospital in stable condition. 64-year-old man was found with a gunshot wound to the wrist at the intersection of Houston and North Gevers.
a month agoAn early morning house fire left one person dead and another injured
a month agoKilleen police investigate fatal shooting of 18-year-old
a month agoBody found under Frio Bridge in South Texas prompts investigation
a month agoHouse Fire (Denton County, Ponder) Ponder Chief 652 is on scene with fire showing from a house on January Lane, working fire declared. Station 650, Engine 570, Tanker 570, Tanker 580, Engine 581, Medic 582 assigned
a month agoHouston police are at the scene of a robbery on Westheimer Road after one person was shot and taken to the hospital
a month agoHouse Fire (Fort Worth) Engine 4 is on scene with fire showing from a one story house on Colvin Avenue. Engine 4 pulling a line for fire attack. Battalion 1, Battalion 2, Tower 8, Truck 2, Engine 5, Engine 10, Engine 14 all assigned